Helping you find &
land bigger fish!
Helping you find &
land bigger fish!

Pinpoint likely successful fishing spots with NavigationPLANNER. Overlay and view your catches over the detailed depth contours of Navionics Sonar Chart™ to help identify new fishing areas. Download results to see which factors give most success and use the chart, tidal and downloaded weather forecasts to plan a safe fishing trip.

Get safely to and from your planned fishing spots with PCPLOTTER, a chart plotter designed for use onboard. PCPLOTTER has all the features of NavigationPLANNER and Winning Fishing and uses Navionics charts to display position and any available NMEA instrument data including AIS. It can turn your laptop into a WiFi hotspot and you can control it from any tablet using the Splashtop app.

Improve your safety by connecting almost any AIS receiver to your laptop to see AIS targets with our free AISPLOTTER Lite. AISPLOTTER
centres on the first vessel identified – no GPS required – and shows call-signs and MMSI numbers of other vessels. Upgrade to AISPLOTTER FULL for an Alarm when vessels come inside your chosen closest point of approach criteria.

Get more enjoyment from your time. Be a winner with Winning Fishing - recording catches is a breeze. Great for leisure, sport, commercial fishers and conservationists. Populate your own species/subspecies database.
Password protect your catch results and log in to Winning Fishing to view your results on any iOS, Android or Windows device you choose to use.
From planning your trip to landing your fish with Winning Fishing
From planning your trip to landing your fish with Winning Fishing

Pinpoint likely successful fishing spots with NavigationPLANNER. Overlay and view your catches over the detailed depth contours of Navionics Sonar Chart™ to help identify new fishing areas. Download results to see which factors give most success and use the chart, tidal and downloaded weather forecasts to plan a safe fishing trip.

Get safely to and from your planned fishing spots with PCPLOTTER, a chart plotter designed for use onboard. PCPLOTTER has all the features of NavigationPLANNER and Winning Fishing and uses Navionics charts to display position and any available NMEA instrument data including AIS. It can turn your laptop into a WiFi hotspot and you can control it from any tablet using the Splashtop app.

Improve your safety by connecting almost any AIS receiver to your laptop to see AIS targets with our free AISPLOTTER Lite. AISPLOTTER
centres on the first vessel identified – no GPS required – and shows call-signs and MMSI numbers of other vessels. Upgrade to AISPLOTTER FULL for an Alarm when vessels come inside your chosen closest point of approach criteria.

Get more enjoyment from your time. Be a winner with Winning Fishing - recording catches is a breeze. Great for leisure, sport and commercial
fishers and conservationists.
Password protect your personal
database and log in to Winning Fishing to see your catches on any iOS, Android or Windows device you choose to use.

Winning Fishing simplifies the recording and management of catches for leisure and commercial fishermen and aids conservation.
Why Winning Fishing?

Record your catches

Your own database

Your own prompt list

Protect your data

View and sort
your catches
(windows app)

Yachting Software Ltd
26 Falcon Way
E14 9UP
Connect with us
+44 (0)207 001 7839
+44 (0)771 017 8995